Selective content transformation in Enterprise Bridge allows for unrivaled flexibility in data distribution and incredibly flexible deployment of content. Automatic transformation is possible for a full repository as well as for a specific part of it or even a single element. Destination can be both a new empty repository or an established location holding already a lot of data, document and pages.

In this way, data aggregation is possible on both high level of distinguished repositories and on lower granularity of individual storage areas, folders, files etc. Such functionality is essential in a typical case of complex corporate landscape with mergers and acquisitions, reorganization of working teams, redistribution of responsibilities and revisions of access control.

For instance, in case of migration of Confluence® to SharePoint®, you can migrate the entire Confluence® space into new SharePoint® site. It is also possible to select a sub-tree of Confluence® pages and migrate it to new SharePoint® site or sub-site. This scenario is especially relevant, if you have very large space and would like to split it into smaller pieces. It is also possible migrate several smaller Confluence® spaces to a single SharePoint® site. You can migrate to a new site or merge a content into already existing site on any level.

Big data technology and data science illustration. Data flow concept. Querying, analysing, visualizing complex information. Neural network for artificial intelligence. Data mining. Business analytics.