Integration of Enterprise Platforms

Many types of business software such as supply chain management applications, ERP systems, CRM applications for managing customers, business intelligence applications, payroll and human resources systems typically cannot communicate with one another in order to share data or business rules. For this reason, such applications are sometimes referred to as islands of automation or information silos. This lack of communication leads to inefficiencies, wherein identical data are stored in multiple locations, or straightforward processes are unable to be automated.

Enterprise application integration is the process of linking such applications within a single organization together in order to simplify and automate business processes to the greatest extent possible, while at the same time avoiding having to make sweeping changes to the existing applications or data structures. In the words of the Gartner Group, EAI is the “unrestricted sharing of data and business processes among any connected application or data sources in the enterprise.”

Our team has vast experience in linking business process management applications for major international companies. We have developed several dozens of unified adapters connecting most widely used enterprise platforms. Our unique know-how in process integration allows us to quickly identify best integration scenarios for every company based on its IT landscape and rapidly implement required components into effective integration solution.
