Corporate Process Repositories

A Business Process Repository is a central location for storing information about how an enterprise operates.  This information typically appears in various forms including paper or electronic form with a storage mechanism appropriate to the storage medium.  Electronic document repositories range from passive containers, which store process artifacts, to sophisticated business object databases that serve as active participants in monitoring, executing, managing and reporting on business processes.

CaseAgile Enterprise Process Portal offers a flexible Business Process Repository suitable to store wide variety of business objects in centralized and consistent way through open data architecture and rich set of enterprise data adapters.

CaseAgile Enterprise Process Portal allows for easy administration of the Business Process Repository including such activities as storing, managing and changing process knowledge, such as objects, relationships, attributes, business rules and models, for an enterprise.  It includes creating the repository structure; defining and maintaining procedures to ensure changes are controlled, validated and approved; mapping processes to applications and data, and providing the required infrastructure to enable effective and consistent use of the models in the repository.

Our object-based repository also stores information about the individual objects used by the organization. These objects are reused throughout the model providing consistency and simplifying maintenance. Consistent use of common objects avoids redundancy and contradictory information about a business artifact as the object only exists once in the repository but can be visually represented in multiple places.  This allows the impact of a change to an object to be immediately visible wherever that object has been used.

Wide expertise in process data and metadata platforms along with wide enterprise connectivity allows us to quickly build corporate process repositories from versatile information sources existing in modern digital enterprise. By using automatic discovery of web services, parsing complex XML structures and complex EDI formats we can quickly absorb your dispersed business object into a centralized corporate storage governed by universal rules for entry definition and management.
