Leading Process Transparency and Enterprise Metadata Integrity
CaseAgile Will Show BPMN Data Exchange between Visio and Leading BPMN Tools
CaseAgile announces a new release of Enterprise Composer™ add-on for Microsoft® Visio, which supports transparent exchange of BPMN diagrams designed in Visio with leading BPMN tools. CaseAgile will demonstrate capabilities of Enterprise Composer™ on upcoming [...]
Why processes are so important for the digital enterprise?
Role of business processes in a digital company is far more important than in a traditional organization because digital organization literally consists of the digital business processes it implements. Traditionally, most business processes are in [...]
The role of BPM in the future of AI
BPM will become a key driving force behind further development of AI. Machine learning in business applications is blind without guiding role of BPM, similarly as a company is blind without its management. Despite impressive [...]
Gap between process model and real process
There always exists a discrepancy between a model of business process, however well designed and accurate, and real execution of this process in a business environment. The reason for this gap is an unforeseen depth [...]
Integration of platforms and environments for enterprise modeling
We provide unique integration capabilities for all leading BPM tools and configurations. Our vast experience in business process migration among all major platforms and environments allows us to quickly identify most effective use-cases and collaborative scenarios for your landscape of model data governance.
Our exclusive technology supports automatic transformation of enterprise models between this exclusive roadmap of corporate data management tools.
Standard modeling notations and open data formats
XML is the world’s standard for the exchange of structured data. Most BPM and EA tools support XML for data exchange and backup scenarios. Several specialized formats have been developed by OMG specifically to maintain open data exchange in the area of enterprise modeling. Widely known and accepted are BPMN, XPDL, UML, XMI and other formats. We support all these standards as well as other existing and emerging process notations.
Elaborate process transformation framework allows for a visual mapping of master data structures in complex field-wise conversion scenarios. Cascading transforms allow for an easy decomposition of complex conversion rules into well recognizable and reusable templates.

Specialized migration scenarios link into efficient executable modules delivering uncompromised native performance in fast transformation of huge enterprise data models counting millions of object entities, symbols, relations and diagrams.
Exclusive services in Master Data Management
Ensure that your business and IT work together to ensure the uniformity, accuracy, semantic consistency and accountability of the enterprise’s official shared master data assets. Maintain the consistent and uniform set of identifiers and extended attributes describing the core entities of the enterprise.