Bridge JIRA® to SharePoint®

Get all your projects instantly published as modern sites with all tasks, assignments, comments, attachments and metadata.

Enterprise Bridge® is a universal data and metadata migration framework supporting dozens of leading BPM, EA and ECM systems in most elaborate scenarios for batch transformation and incremental integration.

Enterprise Bridge® supports JIRA® on premise servers and JIRA® cloud, SharePoint® Online and Subscription Edition. It transfers issues, tasks, images, documents, files, attachments and other content.

Enterprise Bridge® elevates transparency of project management to entirely new level by seamless rendering of JIRA® environment inside SharePoint® and incredibly extending outreach of JIRA® workflows.

Enterprise Bridge® offers a unique way for efficiently presenting entire JIRA® as a modern and consistently linked site collection inside SharePoint®.

Microsoft SharePoint® is a leading solution for quick development of scalable and feature rich enterprise portals available both on premise servers and in the cloud. Many organizations choose SharePoint® Online and Microsoft Office 365® as convenient and efficient approach to document management, content publishing and collaboration.

SharePoint® is definitely not a project management solution but its incredible flexibility and wide adoption across an organization makes it a viable environment for increasing transparency of enterprise workflows and overall awareness of versatile teams about ongoing tasks and strategic planning. Direct propagation of established JIRA® agility into Office 365®, Microsoft Teams®, OneDrive® and other parts of Azure® cloud offers unique synergy of planning, execution, control and engagement. Enterprise Bridge® offers this seamless transformation or integration to enjoy the best value of JIRA® and SharePoint® while leveraging license costs, maintenance efforts and enhancing security through an optimal balance of ultimate usage and access to both environments.

Make your entire JIRA® instantly available inside SharePoint®

Source in Atlassian® JIRA®

  • Migration of issues, tasks, images, documents, files, attachments and other content to SharePoint®.

  • Projects, when migrated to SharePoint® become sites or sub-sites with a clear and distinguished structure.

  • Maintains the source formatting. Tasks migrated to SharePoint® are in the same format as that of the JIRA® in terms of text, images, attachments, links and more.

  • Links to other JIRA® tasks and attachments remain intact when migrated to SharePoint® and point to respective assets properly placed inside SharePoint®.

  • Created and modified dates of the projects, pages and attachments remain the same after migration.

Results in SharePoint® Online

  • Owners and contributors of the spaces, pages and files remain the same after migration, as well as permissions of users and groups as they existed on source server.

  • Full compliance to most rigid and contemporary corporate security standards.