
Role of people in the world of automated processes

By |2022-10-30T11:34:49+00:00December 28th, 2017|Categories: Business Process Management|Tags: , , , , , |

The evolution of technology historically started with tools for elementary mechanical tasks, which are difficult or impossible to do by hand. These simple manual tools gradually evolved to a state of perfection where some tasks were possible to run without direct involvement of humans. This stage marked transition to the era of automated production. Recent [...]

Process agnostic to digitization

By |2018-01-03T09:15:16+00:00July 15th, 2017|Categories: Business Process Management|Tags: , , , , |

The process of intellection. While BPM is an incredible technology to describe / model / automate business routine, imagination and creativity are principal irrationalities distinguishing real business from a perfect digital machine. No doubt, well designed business machine can become unrivaled in superior delivery of predefined business outcomes. However, it will never compete with human [...]

Factors preventing BPM adoption

By |2018-01-03T09:18:34+00:00June 11th, 2017|Categories: Business Process Management|Tags: , |

There exists definite psychological barrier and prejudice against BPM, both among management and workers, in perceiving BPM as too mechanical and "soulless" technology. It is important in this respect to stress crucial "human" dimension of BPM, which saves workers from enormous time losses on boring routine tasks and unlocks incredible potential for improvisation and creativity. [...]

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