Enterprise Bridge® to Azure® DevOps® Wiki

Consolidate your projects discussions and documentation through automated migration of legacy wiki repositories.

Enterprise Bridge® is a universal data and metadata migration framework supporting dozens of leading BPM, EA and ECM systems in most elaborate scenarios for batch transformation and incremental integration.

Enterprise Bridge® supports Confluence® on premise servers and Confluence® online, Azure® DevOps® Server and Service. It transfers text, images, tables, wiki pages, documents, files, videos etc.

Enterprise Bridge® dramatically reduces the effort and time for migration to Azure DevOps®, eliminates migration errors and ensures that the entire corporate digital archive is seamlessly moved to new digital platform.”

Enterprise Bridge® is an essential part of the efficient Azure® DevOps® adoption for any contemporary development team or organization.

Azure® DevOps® is a Microsoft© product that provides version control, reporting, requirements management, project management, automated builds, testing and release management capabilities. It covers the entire application lifecycle. Azure® DevOps® wiki is an essential part of this suite, which offers collaborative space for developers, business analysts and product owners.

Although Azure® DevOps® offers unrivaled benefits to all developers on Microsoft© platforms, many teams traditionally use other popular solutions, such as Atlassian© suite including JIRA® and Confluence®. Moving an active project into another environment is always a challenge. Associated expenses for content migration and potential disruptions of access during the transition can be significant arguments impeding the important management decision. Enterprise Bridge® resolves these concerns in a simple and elegant way by offering automated content migration scenarios enforced with elaborate transformation engine supporting conversion of data, meta-data, security and permissions.

Make your move to Azure® DevOps® streamlined and transparent

Source in Atlassian® Confluence®

  • Migration of data from Confluence® (cloud or on-premise) to Azure® DevOps® Server or Services.

  • Migration of text, images, tables, wiki pages, documents, files, videos and other content to DevOps®.

  • Spaces, when migrated to DevOps®, are distinguished and identifiable as projects or folders inside projects.

  • Migration fully retains page tree and navigation elements as in Confluence® with all levels of page hierarchy.

  • Migration of 50+ most widely spread Confluence® macros. Free custom development of extra macros on request.

Result in Azure® DevOps ® Wiki

  • Maintains the source page formatting. Wiki pages migrated to DevOps® are in the same format as that of the Confluence® in terms of text, images, links and more.

  • Links to other Confluence® pages and documents remain intact when migrated to DevOps® and are pointing to new locations of migrated assets inside DevOps®.

  • Full compliance to most rigid and contemporary corporate security standards. Supports multi-factor authentication, API tokens and custom SSO.

  • Full project delivery end-to-end. Free technical support on installation, configuration, connectivity to servers and all stages of your project. Advise on enterprise architecture.

Translation of most common macros and popular add-ins

  • Attachments macro
  • Related labels macro
  • Content report table macro
  • Multimedia macro
  • PDF macro
  • Office Word macro
  • Office Excel macro
  • Office PowerPoint macro
  • View File macro
  • Panel Macro
  • Info, Tip, Note, and Warning Macros
  • Status macro
  • Symbols, Emoticons and Special Characters
  • Code block macro
  • Children display macro
  • Include page macro
  • Anchor macro
  • Noformat macro
  • Table of Contents macro
  • Gallery macro
  • Page tree macro
  • Column and section macros
  • Excerpt macro
  • Multiple Excerpts & Include Macros
  • Expand Macro
  • JIRA issues macro
  • HTML Macro
  • Details Macro
  • User Profile Macro
  • Roadmap Planner Macro
  • Content Report Table Macro
  • Task Report Macro
  • Content by Label Macro
  • Adaptavist® add-ins
    • Background Color add-in
    • Center add-in
    • Div Macro
    • CSS Style Sheet Macro
  • Banner add-in
  • Image Slider add-in
  • Gliffy diagrams add-in
  • Draw.io diagrams add-in
  • Lucidchart
  • Localtab and Localtab Group Add-ins
  • Brikit Theme Press add-in
  • Brikit HtmlWrap add-in
  • Hinch Panels
  • Table Enhancer
  • Refined Toolkit for Confluence
    • UI Steps
    • UI Children
    • UI Children Cards
    • UI Expand
    • UI Tabs Macro

More macros on demand and custom macros support free with every license.