Workflow is an implementation of process. Process is a template defining structure, rules, objects and their relations in a business environment associated with certain business goal or case. Workflow is a concrete realization of process in given business context. In other words, process is a plan, while workflow is a sequence of business actions taken according to this plan. Process is an architectural project, while workflow is a building created on this architecture. Multiple buildings can be erected from the same architecture. Unlimited sequences of actions can run along the same plan. But the plan or architecture behind all these varieties of buildings and sequences is a common ground cementing their distinguished similarity as a family.
Difference between workflow and process
By Boris Zinchenko|2022-10-30T11:34:46+00:00March 28th, 2018|Categories: Business Process Management|Tags: Business process, Business process management, Business process modeling, Enterprise modelling, Workflow engine, Workflow technology|2 Comments
About the Author: Boris Zinchenko

Boris G. Zinchenko, Ph.D, CTO of CaseAgile LLC, expert in integration of platforms and environments for enterprise modelling
WorkFlows -from an architectured activity in a process- can show with its data on a performances portfolio, the possible enhancements and process spinup to align it on company strategy.
WorkFlows are image-mirrored of functionment and organization of the process architecture and company performance system.
Enterprise dataprocessing comes from these WorkFlows, there are company performance vehicule.
BPM/CMM with EPM, needs these workflows reviewing to well analyze, define, identify key interweaved change and anticipated innovation or simply optimization to strategy deployed goals.
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