BPM plays especially important role in all situations related to regulations and compliance. This is not accidental. Any regulation is a set of requirements and complementary procedures necessary to fulfill these requirements. Therefore, conformance to requirements can and should be expressed in a form of a business model. GDPR is just another standard to prove this common rule together with ISO, HIPPA and many others.

Especially, in case of GDPR one may even say that its implementation literally boils down to BPM and process adjustments. How else one can plan, implement and prove GDPR compliance, if not through process driven system design? It is fairly unlikely that GDPR will cause total replacement of existing digital business platforms. Instead, platforms will be adapted to follow GDPR procedures, in other words, processes.

We may think of GDPR as one of the world’s biggest BPM initiates bringing process driven practices into daily routine of every business.