Major companies are not easy to transform digitally due to inertia of a large structure and deeply rooted traditions. Diverse IT landscape and distributed faculties make it especially difficult and expensive to migrate established business routine.

On the contrary, smaller companies can quickly transform their operations into digital field due to limited footprint and simpler workflows. For the same reason, an effect of innovation appears much quicker, is easier to measure and correct depending on obtained results.

Smaller companies simply cannot afford being inefficient, unlike their bigger counterparts, which have at least a temporal security belt of size and established market share. Quick technical and operational optimization offered by digital tools is the primary factor of growth for an emerging business.

Digital transformation offers to smaller companies unique competitive advantages by effectively replacing costly manual operations by affordable and adaptive automation of business processes. Digital operations in smaller companies are also much easier to control due to limited scale and complexity.

All these factors explain explosive growth of digital automation in smaller organizations far superseding respective evolution of large corporations and creating key competitive advantage of modern small business.